Washtucna Dryland Wheat Farm

Washtucna, WA


Details for Washtucna, WA

Description: Wheat land with Active CRP Contracts. An opportunity to own a farm with a long history of stable production. This farm is located northwest of Washtucna, WA., access on Sage Road. Farmed by a third-party tenant on an annual agreement. Total acreage is 975.89; 728.04+- in Dryland Crop and 176.82+- currently in CRP. Buildings include an older, but livable farmhouse, and a good-sized Quonset shop. Two-year Rotation of small grain production (Wheat and Summer fallow) 55 Bushel 10-year APH (Wheat). There are also currently three CRP contracts.

0 Square Feet
975.89 Acres
MLS ID: FD027CA6-23E8-11ED-AEC5-1E5C93FB3DC9
County: Adams
Year Built:
Elementary School:
Middle School:
High School:

Virtual Tour: https://www.farmlandcompany.com/for-sale-washtucna-farmland